In honor of Boo's graduation yesterday, I want to share an excerpt from a letter that her favorite teacher wrote for her when she needed a recommendation for a scholarship application:
Boo is a gift. She is what all teachers dream for--a child who is incredibly kind and who loves to learn . . . As much as any student i teach, Boo loves to learn. She listens and asks great questions. She is the most voracious reader I teach. She is never without a book and I don't mean a boring textbook. She has probably read half the books in the school library. Her qualities of kindness and compassion surpass her schoolwork. She is without guile or vengeance or prejudice. She is quietly kind to everyone. Her manners are flawless and she has the most beautiful smile. I feel certain she will work for humanity throughout her life and I am honored to be asked to write for her."
Yesterday was a big day for all of us as Boo walked across the stage and received her high school diploma. Many of the readers of this blog know what an accomplishment that was for all of us as you have loved and supported her (and us) for years--we are so grateful for all of you as well. Most of all, we are so proud of you, Boo and we love you so much.
I've watched 'Boo' from a distance for a few years, and have always been impressed by her joy. I've gotten to know her more in the past months, and the more I get to know her, the more I love her. She does remind me much of me at her age- of how I could have been with a more supportive family, or just following my dreams farther.
She's one of the girls I watch and want my daughter to be like. I so look forward to seeing her continue to bloom and grow- to see where her dreams take her.
Boo may vividly "Remember the Alamo"; Boo may oneday set the benchmark for outstanding public school teachers; but today, in her youth, she reminds us, all of us, the meaning of a life well lived. And when I see her posted picture, I see the beautiful smile of her Mother, remade in Boo's own unique style. Emily
So excited for boo!! What perfectly written words about her. Love yall!
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