Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Movie week

While C and Mowgli are in Guatemala, Boo and I are watching a movie every day. (So far, we've seen The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Hairspray, the latest Harry Potter movie, Waitress, and Amazing Grace.)

Last night, we watched Amazing Grace, the story of William Wilberforce and the process by which the British slave trade was ended exactly 200 years ago. It isn't a well-written film and it is often over-wrought, but it reminded my often cynical and disillusioned heart that one person really can change the world.


Anonymous said...

To 'change the world'does your name have to go down printed in history or have you already changed the world many, many times?

Electric Monk said...

Wow, that's quite the eclectic set of movies.

Funny story about "Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants." Our Tivo recorded that movie whenever it came on, and I couldn't figure out why. I'd give it three thumbs down, and it would still record it. I finally figured it out: Ann had asked me to record anything about scrapbooking, and that movie's description talks about the characters looking through a scrapbook. So even though I kept telling it I didn't want to see it, my Tivo kept insisting that I would like it because it was about scrapbooking.

janet said...

I loved Hairspray... it left my heart so light...