Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer has begun!

It's summer! Not really, I guess, but for all practical purposes. Remember how the end of the last day of school used to feel when you were a kid? That's how I feel, starting yesterday about 6:00. The challenges of the spring have been met and completed and I have three months stretching ahead of me with a manageable work schedule, little travel, family and friends and the opportunity to have some fun.

As I look at my calendar, I see that Mowgli comes home tonight for a week, Boo graduates in just a few days. There's a party on the calendar along with some down time. Weekends are mostly free and the weeks aren't crazy-busy. There are opportunities to spend time with friends and to go see family and to stay home and piddle. I can even see how exercise and prayer could be part of the routine.

I love summer!

1 comment:

Crystal said...