Sunday, July 22, 2007


I've spent the last 6 months sorting stuff, cleaning stuff, painting stuff, giving stuff away, selling stuff, packing stuff and moving stuff. Then I unpacked stuff, bought new stuff, cleaned more stuff, gave more stuff away, painted stuff, organized stuff, and decorated stuff.

I'm afraid that when I finally meet Him, Jesus will say to me, "What part of 'Don't store up treasures on earth' did you not understand?"

1 comment:

Jim K. said...

what gets me is that we THROW AWAY so much stuff. it bothers me in two ways.

1. we waste so much packaging materials like juice boxes and frozen vegitable bags and we PAY city to come get them. this is killing our environment.

2. we waste so much $$. we work very hard everyday, so we can buy 'stuff'. but mostly the part of the 'stuff' gets thrown away, as i mentioned above. i feel like i am throwing my hard earned $$ away.

i always struggled with these issues of consumer society. i will continue to struggle, i'm sure.