Tuesday, August 14, 2007

If anybody asks . . .

. . . this is what I plan to say to the people I am talking to about ministry in Austin.

I'm passionate about ministry with and to the local church and its leaders. There are three ways I express this:

One, I have almost 20 years experience in counseling with church members and leaders and providing a reliable and safe referral source for pastors. Seeing lives transformed is the most rewarding thing I've ever done.

Two, I offer quality leadership development for pastoral staff and lay leaders, partly based on a book I wrote with two colleagues; I also have a tender heart for congregational leaders and want to provide pastoral care and counseling for them.

Three, I passionately believe that the most important way we can change the future is to better prepare couples for marriage and to offer them better relational tools and support once they are married. We are uniquely positioned to do a better job at this and I want to make that happen.

Just in case anybody asks . . .

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