Tuesday, September 18, 2007

We've come a long way, baby . . .

Two things that happened today that seem unrelated, but aren't:

I spent the afternoon with three other women in ministry. As it happened, I was the youngest woman in the room--which rarely happens anymore. (Some of you may remember the last women-in-ministry gathering I attended, at which I was tearfully thanked for "paving the way." I felt like Marie Curie or Billie Jean King.) Anyway, I had a rich and nourishing afternoon with these amazing and lovely women who have each found their way into deep and meaningful ministry--after midlife and despite being, at first, undereducated and insecure in very sexist church structures. I marveled at the grace of God who called all of us together in one room to share our stories of brokenness and healing, rejection and affirmation, fear and faith. It was an unforgettable afternoon.

Later, I was surfing the internet, checking out two of my favorite blogs: http://www.talkwiththepreacher.com/ (a young woman, Baptist minister in Washington D.C. who was in our college group in Waco) and http://www.beautytipsforministers.com (who is one of her friends). Reading their blogs is one way I stay up with the generation behind me and marvel at the grace of God in a different form. Anyway, I learned today that there are now clerical shirts (blouses) made in maternity and nursing mother styles--and in a variety of colors and sizes! Because there is clearly a market for them! Because the world is truly changing!

So, from the time when I couldn't find a license to ministry with the word "she" on it (when I was licensed in 1983) to this . . . I'm thrilled to get to see it happen. I'm sad that I missed out on it for myself but oh, so happy to see it happening for these gifted, hilarious, gutsy young women. May their tribe increase . . .


Electric Monk said...

Wow, that's totally a change for the better. I'm amazed at how backwards the thinking of women's roles in ministry still is in conservative Baptist churches. You'd think that by 2007 people would have changed their paradigms a little bit more.

Seriously, we can't let women be deacons? Come on...

Electric Monk said...

By the way, you win the award for best use of a cigarette slogan in a ministerial blog post.