Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another update

Faithwalking was such a blessing again this time. For those of you who pray for us, thank you. Each time we get better at the teaching part and each time we see lives touched and, hopefully, changed. I have a wonderful life.

I'm heading to Michigan in a few hours. Those of you who know me well know that I've looked at the national weather map (it was an accident--I was watching the Today show) and that I've seen all the thunderstorms between here and Chicago. I'm sure there will be quite a bit of turbulence and maybe some delays but I've got two magazines and two books and a pad of paper and my MP3 player so I should be okay.

I'm going into this energized and fatigued. The days in Michigan are 12 hour days with pastors and their leadership teams. C and I are team preaching again on Sunday morning (after I arrive in Austin Saturday night). I'm truly not complaining--I love this life God has blessed me with. But if you thought to pray for me, for stamina and for the ability to stay present and focused, I'd appreciate it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you, girlfriend!!!! (and will continue to do so!) Had such a great time this past weekend seeing you! Have had LOTS to think about since I got back. Good! Good! Take care of yourself! Get to bed early!!!!